For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

What Your Council Tax Pays For

Blaby District Council receives only 8.25% of the total Council Tax it collects from each household.

This amounts to just over £6.5m of the £79.1m it collects in the district.

The rest is distributed to the County Council, Police, Fire and local parish councils. The District Council element pays for many services, including:

  • Building Control (non-fee earning contribution) 
  • Environmental and regulatory services
  • Health and recreation services
  • Housing and community services
  • Planning and development services
  • Refuse collection and recycling
  • Street cleansing
  • Democratic Services
  • Revenues and Benefits services

Many local authorities publish guides detailing Council Tax they raise and where it is spent. See below to find the local authority you want to find out more about and download their guide.

Council Tax breakdown based on a Band D property

Organisation Percentage Amount
Leicestershire County Council - Main element 59.76% £1,369.92
Leicestershire County Council - Adult social care element 10.11% £231.66
Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner 12.49% £286.23
Combined Fire Authority 3.56% £81.65
Blaby District Council 8.25% £189.14
Parish Councils 5.83% £133.91
Last updated 25 April 2024
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