Local Plan Evidence

The policies and proposals of the Local Plan must be based on robust and credible evidence for them to be considered ‘sound’. Several studies and reports have been carried out by the Council, consultants and other bodies to provide this evidence. 

Housing Evidence

The following documents are sources of housing and accommodation evidence

Housing Downloads

Employment Evidence

The documents below detail the economy and employment evidence that has supported the production of the Local Plan

Environmental Evidence

The documents below are sources of environmental evidence that include evidence on flood risk, landscape, climate change and air quality, biodiversity, heritage, and Local Plan designations.

Environmental Downloads

Transport and Infrastructure Evidence

The documents below are sources of transport, highways, viability and general infrastructure evidence.

Transport and Infrastructure Downloads

Retail and Village Services Evidence

The documents below show the retail and village services evidence that has supported the production of the Local Plan.

Retail and Village Services Downloads
Last updated 27 November 2024
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