Scrutiny Process

Scrutiny is part of the checks and balances of the Council's political management structure. A Scrutiny Commission has been established which has the role of:

  • Monitoring the work of the Cabinet Executive
  • Advising on plans, policies and service delivery
  • Exercising the right to call-in decisions made but not yet implemented by the Cabinet Executive
  • Considering any matter affecting the district

The Scrutiny process also aims to encourage public involvement allowing the community to have a greater say in council matters and issues of local concern.

Information about scrutiny can also be found on the Centre for Public Scrutiny website, link below.

What is the Scrutiny Commission?

The Commission is committed to improving the way it works to ensure better outcomes for our community and over the past two years, we have made the clear illustration of the step change in our performance is the public recognition of our work. Blaby District Council was one of only three public bodies shortlisted for the Centre for Public Scrutiny’s Good Scrutiny Awards under the category of 2010 Scrutiny Team of the Year with our work being Highly Commended.

The Scrutiny Commission is made up of 11 Members and has overarching responsibility for the scrutiny function. The Chairman of the Commission must be a member of an opposition party. The current Chairman is Councillor Nick Brown of the Labour Group.

Guiding the work of the Scrutiny Commission are two Scrutiny Commissioners:

  • Councillor Nick Brown (Labour)
  • Councillor Roy Denney (Conservative)

Scrutiny Annual Report

The Scrutiny Commission is required to publish an annual report of its work. The reports outline the work carried out by the Commission and its working groups during the year; provides information on its future work programme and information on how you can suggest issues for review by Scrutiny.

What is Call-in?

Scrutiny Members can 'call-in' Cabinet Executive decisions which have been made but not yet implemented. They can ask for further information about a decision that has been made and recommends that the Cabinet re-considers its decision.

Last updated 19 September 2024
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