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Planning breach fine for repeat offender

Blaby Council Offices Entrance General Pic For Website News Page

A landowner has been ordered to pay £875 for not complying with a Planning Contravention Notice (PCN) following a hearing at Leicester Magistrates’ Court.

John Roger Mac of Hinckley Road, Wolvey, was issued with a PCN in October 2022 requesting information relating to a holiday let at Granitethorpe Quarry, off Leicester Road, Sapcote, which was believed to be now in use as a permanent home.

This had followed a PCN being issued to the occupants of the holiday let in July 2022 and an initial PCN issued to Mr Mac in September.

However, neither of these were returned and further lines of enquiry yielded no further information.

A PCN may only be issued by the Council when it appears a breach of planning control may have occurred and officers wish to glean more information before deciding what, if any, enforcement action to take.

The notification also enables the Council to gather information on any alleged breach of planning control, which can include information about any activities being carried out on the land.

For the recipient it is an opportunity for them to put across their point of view in regard to the alleged breach.

When no response was received by the Council from either the holiday let occupants or Mr Mac, Blaby District Council took enforcement action.

The Council prosecuted Mr Mac, as the landowner, for non-compliance with the PCN. Leicester Magistrates’ Court found Mr Mac guilty through the Single Justice Procedure – where one Magistrate determines the outcome of minor offence cases without a hearing needing to be held.

Mr Mac was ordered to pay a total of £875 which included a fine of £220, costs of £567, as well as a victim surcharge of £88.

Councillor Ben Taylor said: "It is disappointing neither the holiday let occupants nor Mr Mac responded to our notices. If there had been an open channel of communication then perhaps legal action may have been avoided. However, since no response was received, we had no choice but to move forward with a prosecution. Planning rules are in force for a reason – to ensure fairness and provide a framework for development and how buildings are managed. We will act if those rules are broken."

Residents can report breaches of planning control in the district by visiting Planning and Building – Blaby District Council

Councillor Ben Taylor

Councillor Ben Taylor

23 May 2023