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Neighbourhood Plan Referendum

Glenfield Village Sign

Residents in Glenfield will be asked to vote on their Neighbourhood Plan after an independent examiner recommended it be sent to public Referendum.

The Referendum will take place on Thursday 23 November. If approved by residents the Plan will pass back to Blaby District Council to be ‘Made’ – meaning accepted.

It will then become an integral part of local planning policy.

A Neighbourhood Plan sets out a community’s ambitions to shape local growth. It details areas where commerce and construction would be welcome, while protecting heritage, amenities and areas of green space.

The document ensures communities are able to influence development and have a real say during the planning process.

Councillor Ben Taylor, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Planning Delivery and Enforcement and Corporate Transformation, said: "Neighbourhood Plans are a key tool for our communities in shaping their futures. They are an important resource which can be used to prevent unwanted and unwarranted development. As a District Council we are proud to have helped Glenfield come this far with its own Plan. Now it is up to the people of Glenfield to decide whether they agree with the Plan as recommended by the examiner."

The work to prepare the Glenfield Neighbourhood Plan began several years ago, with Blaby District Council supporting the Steering Group at Glenfield Parish Council.

The Plan focuses on the themes of housing, the built, natural and historic environments, climate change and protecting and improving community facilities and amenities.

A consultation was held with residents, businesses and key agencies in February/March and the Plan was submitted to an independent examiner in April.

Modifications were made by the examiner and the updated Plan with a recommendation to go to Referendum was accepted by Blaby District Councillors at the full council meeting on 26 September.

Further information will be posted on the Council’s website and paper copies of the information will be available at the Council offices and Glenfield Library.

Polling cards will be sent out in due course.

Blaby District Council has worked closely with various Parish Councils to help shape their Plans, including those already in Blaby Parish, the ‘Fosse Villages,’ Leicester Forest East and Cosby.

More information about the plan, including the documents, is available at: Glenfield Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Ben Taylor

Councillor Ben Taylor
Portfolio Holder for Planning Delivery and Enforcement and Corporate Transformation

03 October 2023