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Have your say on the rail freight hub

Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange plan

Residents who want to make their views known on the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange are urged to register their interest with the Planning Inspectorate by 23 June.

After Tritax Symmetry's application for the 662-acre Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange development was accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate in April, we are now in what is termed the Pre-Examination Phase, later, in the months to come, stakeholders, including members of the public, will be asked for their views.

However, members of the public who want to have their say on the plans going forward need to register their interest with the Planning Inspectorate now. The deadline for this is 23 June, and if you don't register by then you may not get the chance to make your views known.

The development is expected to have far-ranging impacts on communities across Blaby District, so if you have an opinion on how the development might affect you and your neighbourhood please sign up now to make sure you can air that opinion.

Don't worry if you are not entirely sure about everything you might want to say at the moment. You don't have to make all of your comments at this stage, just provide your brief thoughts and let the Planning Inspectorate know you want to be able to have your say.

Once registered you will be invited to make further comments and attend any hearings which will take place in the coming months to discuss the development.

You can register your interest by filling in the Registration and Relevant Representation form on the Planning Inspectorate’s website or by calling the Planning Inspectorate on 0303 444 5000 to request a paper copy.

09 June 2023