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Enderby Parish to take on Southey Close Recreation Ground

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Blaby District Council is delighted to announce that an agreement in principle has been reached with Enderby Parish Council to transfer the ownership of Southey Close Recreation Ground.

Southey Close Recreation Ground, known locally as Wimpey Park, is a former landfill site and popular open space with a football pitch and playground. The agreement, subject to approval by Blaby District and Enderby Parish Councillors, will see the Parish Council own and maintain the site to be used as open space forever more.

In 2021 some of the recreation ground was assessed for its viability for housing, but a report concluded that development was not viable.

Since this assessment, an agreement has been reached to transfer ownership of the recreation ground, with both councils committed to ensuring the whole site will remain an open space and that no development will ever take place.

Whilst Enderby Parish Council who voted unanimously at their meeting to take on the ownership of the site, Blaby District Council will remain responsible for the landfill element in perpetuity, including any landfill management works, if every required.

Councillor Nigel Grundy, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets, said: “We are absolutely delighted to reach this agreement in principle with Enderby Parish Council, and this highlights the commitment from both councils for the long-term future of the recreation ground.

“There are still many steps still to go before this is confirmed, but it is our ambition to ensure that this deal is concluded and to see Enderby Parish Council to become the owner of this much-loved open space.

“Whilst we remain committed to managing the landfill element of the site, this will be completed in close liaison with the Parish Council.”

No timescales have been announced for when the transfer will be completed. Both councils will continue talks to finalise details of the transfer as soon as possible, with both Blaby District Council and Enderby Parish Councils expected to vote on the proposal at their respective future Council meetings.

Councillor Nick Chapman


Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets, Councillor Nigel Grundy

17 August 2022