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Deadline looms for Community Grants

Blue Tits At A Bird Box

Community groups, charities and sports clubs are urged to make their bids for a portion of the final pot of Council cash in this year’s Community Grants Scheme.

The deadline for applications is fast approaching with applications due in by 5pm on Wednesday 28 February.

Ahead of this, Blaby District Council’s Funding and Awards Officer is holding an online Microsoft Teams session about the scheme for any interested parties. The session is on Wednesday 31 January from 10am to 11am. There’s no need to book just join on the day here: Join our information session on MS Teams

The Council offers a range of grants up to £4,000 to local charities, community groups and sports clubs to help with a variety of costs. Some 15 different organisations from across the district benefited in December.

These included groups running 'warm spaces' during the winter months to help residents struggling with fuel bills. There were also three exciting green grant projects that will be delivered by Buzzing Roots CIC, Glenfield Millennium Green Trust and Kilby Woodland Trust. 

Glenfield Millennium Green Trust will use the money to fund traditional hedge-laying. This brings benefits for wildlife and biodiversity by strengthening the hedge, making for a more robust habitat.

Kilby Woodland Trust will develop a pond area and install avian and bat boxes which will increase biodiversity.

Buzzing Roots plan to install an eco-toilet with a biodigester at their site in Braunstone Town. From there they will be delivering their Green Space project for the local community.

Councillor Nigel Grundy, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets, said: "It’s really encouraging to see how popular our green grant has been and that our voluntary sector is getting on board in helping us to achieve the aims of our climate change strategy.

"We have awarded lots of grants to help organisations reduce their carbon emissions at the same time as improving energy efficiency, which is fantastic. However, it was great to receive some applications in the most recent round that focused more on protecting and enhancing biodiversity in the district, as well as connecting people with nature and the environment."

For more information and to apply online visit Community Grants Scheme or email or call 0116 272 7566 for an application pack.

Councillor Nigel Grundy

Councillor Nigel Grundy
Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets</

29 January 2024