For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

Councillor candidate briefing event

Casting a vote in a ballot box

People who want to make a difference to the District and their local communities can learn more about standing in this year’s elections at a special event.

A briefing evening for both District and Parish Councillor candidates and agents takes place from 6pm on Tuesday 07 March 2023.

The session is in the Council Chamber at Blaby District Council’s offices on Desford Road, Narborough.

Candidates and agents will be able to gather information, ask questions and collect nomination packs. The packs contain all the details needed to stand for election.

There are a number of criteria which people have to meet to be able to stand for election.

On the day of the nomination you must be aged 18 or over and be a UK, EU or qualifying Commonwealth citizen.

You must meet at least one of the following criteria:
• Be registered to vote in local elections in the area
• Own or be a tenant on land or other premises in Blaby District
• Work in Blaby District
• Live in Blaby District

You cannot stand if:
• You work for the Council
• You hold a politically restricted post for another Council
• You are bankrupt
• You have served a prison term (including suspended sentences) of three months or more within five years before the election
• You have been barred under any laws relating to corrupt or illegal electoral practices

Most people become Councillors as a result of joining a political party. However, you don’t need to be a member of a political party to stand as a Councillor – you can stand as an independent.

For more details about the event email: or call 0116 272 7560.

Anyone who is unable to attend the event can pick up nomination packs at a later date from the Council offices or download them from the Electoral Commission website at: Local Elections for District elections and Parish Council for Parish elections.

Nominations will open on 22 March. Both District and Parish elections take place on Thursday 04 May.

02 March 2023