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Council supports schools in celebrating Clean Air Day

Children celebrating Clean Air Day

Schoolchildren were encouraged to mark this year’s Clean Air Day with special 'walk to school' initiatives promoted by Blaby District Council.

The Council's Environmental Services Team organised four active travel walks with local schools Greystoke Primary and The Pastures in Narborough, Blaby Stokes Primary and Sharnford Primary.

Together with officers from Active Blaby and members of Leicestershire County Council’s Choose How You Move partnership - including mascot Theo the Fox - the team helped lead hundreds of youngsters on fun morning strolls to school.

The aim was to raise awareness of the benefits of clean air and how we can all help in cutting pollution by making simple lifestyle choices.

Councillor Les Phillimore, Blaby District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Housing, Community and Environmental Services, said: "As a Council we are committed to reducing pollution in our District – for the benefit of our residents and the environment. It was therefore great to see how positively schools reacted to Clean Air Day. There was a great turnout for each of our walks and such an enthusiastic response from both children and their parents.

"Clean air benefits us all and it’s vital we spread this message far and wide, especially with our younger generation. Helping them understand the importance of clean air and the dangers of pollution gives them the tools to make informed choices as they grow up. It also hopefully influences their families right now."

Ronnie Richardson, headteacher at participating Greystoke Primary School, said: "We immediately jumped at the opportunity to engage with the Council's Clean Air Day initiative because we are passionate about environmental issues and educating our children in the importance of protecting our planet for their and everyone's future.

"Improving our air quality is a very important part of this. The number of families in attendance and how vocal many of our children were in supporting this initiative illustrates how strongly so many of us feel about the importance of leaving cars at home and walking to school."

As well as the walk to school, each visit included freebie giveaways with flags, portable lights, pin badges, wristbands and pencils and fun resources such as a word search, access to YouTube videos and a design a superhero challenge.

Clean Air Day is the UK’s largest air pollution campaign and as well as the Council backed events the initiative was marked by various schools across Blaby District during the week.

Councillor Les Phillimore

Councillor Les Phillimore
Portfolio Holder for Housing, Community and Environmental Services

21 June 2023