Consultation on new conservation area proposals

Blaby District Council is seeking views on proposals which will help preserve the historic character of Braunstone.
Braunstone village crosses local authority boundaries and the part which falls within Leicester City is already a conservation area, benefiting from heightened planning controls.
If the new Blaby District Council conservation area is accepted, these controls would extend to ensure the whole of the historic village centre would be protected.
Leicester City Council is also set to run a consultation as it is looking to make changes to some of its planning rules for the area.
Braunstone village is one of 25 designated conservation areas in Leicester city and would become the twelfth one in Blaby District if approved.
It covers a number of listed buildings off Braunstone Lane, such as the village shop that partly dates back to the 17th Century and St Peter’s Church, off Woodshawe Rise.
It includes the 19th Century architect-designed cottages formerly associated with the Winstanley Estate. Mature trees and woodland are also key features.
The two conservation areas cover just over 25 acres, bounded by Braunstone Lane and Main Street to the south, Woodshawe Rise to the north, Cort Crescent to the north-east and Herle Avenue to the east.
Under the new plans, both Councils could introduce stricter rules for some of the non-listed properties in the conservation areas. This means, if homeowners want to make alterations to their properties they would need to be sensitive to the character and appearance of the area. In some cases they might require planning permission.
Martin Needham, Senior Planning Policy Officer at Blaby District Council, said: "We are very happy to now be consulting on creating a new conservation area covering the historic village core of Braunstone and are keen to hear the public’s views on the proposal.
"The historic environment is an important aspect of the local area and the proposed designation would help ensure new development is sensitive to its historic character.
"Our draft management plan proposes joint working with Leicester City Council, as the existing Braunstone village conservation area is located within their administrative boundary. The two areas are adjacent to each other and combined would cover the totality of the historic area, helping to preserve and enhance its historic qualities for years to come."
Conservation areas exist to manage and protect the special architectural and historic interest of a place. Every local authority in England has at least one conservation area. There are around 10,000 in England.
Comments can be made on Blaby District Council’s plans at: Braunstone village conservation area consultation
The consultation runs until 16 July 2024.