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Arsonists destroy toilets at nature area

Burnt Out Toilets At Fosse Meadows

Vandals have burned down toilets at Fosse Meadows Nature Area just days after the disabled unit was replaced due to firework damage.

The two portable units were on the smaller car park at Fosse Meadows, placed there following pleas from the public to provide lavatory facilities.

Since their introduction by Blaby District Council around four years ago, the units have been subject to sporadic vandalism, requiring repair and replacement at a cost of between £2,000 to £3,000 each time.

Historically, attacks have been most numerous in the autumn when fireworks go on sale for November 5 Bonfire Night celebrations.

A firework set off in the disabled toilet prompted its removal for repair last week, with a temporary unit installed. Now both units have been destroyed in an arson attack and the police have been informed.

Councillor Nigel Grundy, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets, said: "I’m at a loss to understand what pleasure anyone gets out of wilfully destroying facilities like these. A mindless few spoiling it for the many.

"Visitors asked us to provide these toilets to improve their experience of Fosse Meadows and with the presence of the coffee van, of course it made sense. Sadly they have been a constant target for vandals with attacks ranging from the small scale to this last incident which has left just a puddle of plastic where the toilets used to stand.

"Provision of these facilities and their regular repair and replacement isn’t something that comes for free. Every time there’s an issue we have to find the resources to resolve it – and especially in this current climate we are very wary of how important it is to safeguard public money.

"We will be looking at what to do with toilet provision at Fosse Meadows and how that might fit in with our plans and budget. In the meantime I would urge anyone who may have any information about this attack to contact the Police on 101."

Councillor Nigel Grundy

Councillor Nigel Grundy
Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets

26 October 2023