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Apply now for our Community Grants

Community Grants Scheme

Charities, community groups and sports clubs are being urged to apply for a share of more than £20,000 available to support neighbourhood projects across Blaby District.

The next deadline for Blaby District Council’s Community Grants Scheme is 5pm on Wednesday 30 August 2023.

It is the second grant round for 2023/24 with a range of funding on offer between £500 and £4,000 to support a variety of projects throughout the district.

Groups can apply for capital grants to improve buildings or facilities; revenue grants to run events; green grants to improve energy efficiency and Everyone Active grants to boost physical activity in communities.

Councillor Nigel Grundy, Blaby District Council Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets said: "The Council’s Community Grant Scheme offers a fantastic opportunity for our local voluntary and community sector groups to access much needed funding. The scheme has supported a diverse range of brilliant projects over the years and I would invite all eligible groups to find out more and apply."

One successful recipient during a previous grant round was Enderby Lawn Tennis Club.

The club received a £4,000 Green Capital Grant towards replacing their 20-year-old, inefficient floodlights with new LED ones. Our Green Grants specifically support local voluntary and community sector organisations to fund projects that contribute to the aims of our Climate Change Strategy.

Eamonn Canavan, Treasurer of Enderby Lawn Tennis Club said: "Blaby District Council’s help has been invaluable to the tennis club over many years and the funding received for the installation of the new LED floodlights means not only will we be able to continue to light the courts all year round - providing an extra 3,500 hours of court time - but will be using half the energy. This a massive saving in both cost and carbon emissions."

To find out more about the grants, or to discuss an application idea, please contact our Community Grants Officer via or 0116 2727595.

Full information about the grants available, eligibility criteria and the application process can be found on the Council’s website Community Grants.


Councillor Nigel Grundy

Councillor Nigel Grundy
Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Services and Assets

07 August 2023