For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

Annual canvass launches in District

Annual Canvass ID badge

The Annual Canvass to ensure all eligible voters' details in Blaby District are up-to-date has begun.

Around 20,000 residents should have received an email from us on Wednesday 5 July as the Council begins its annual canvass to make sure all eligible voter details in the District are correct.

The email is a new element to the canvass process and people will have only received the email if they have previously given the Council permission to contact them for this purpose.

Please be assured this is a genuine email from us as we work to make sure anyone who is eligible to vote is correctly registered and so will be able to exercise their right to vote in any upcoming elections.

The email asks residents to check that their electoral register details are correct. So if you have received an email please read it and respond – make sure your details are correct and retain your right to vote. We are asking people to respond to the email by 18 July.

For those who did not sign up to email contact please look out for a letter which should hit doormats from 27 July. The letters will offer clear instructions on whether a response is required from the household.

Residents can respond online at household response or via text or by posting back the completed form using the information provided in the letter.

Each household is required by law to make sure that the details on the form are correct. To enable this, more Annual Canvass work will take place throughout 2023, including canvass forms and door knocking. These later stages will only apply to those who have not responded.

Residents are urged to respond as soon as possible to the form. As well as ensuring you can vote in any elections, having accurate information on the electoral roll can help personal credit ratings.

Most canvass forms will list the details of who is currently on the electoral register at the address. Properties where no one is registered to vote will receive a blank form.

All eligible residents need to be included on the form. Eligible residents include people who are aged 16 years or over, British, Irish or EU citizens and Commonwealth citizens who have leave to remain in the UK, or do not require leave to remain in the UK.

More information can be found on Annual Canvass

05 July 2023