For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID


The Constitution sets out how the Council operates, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that decisions are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of these processes are required by law, while others are a matter for the Council to choose.

Blaby District Council carried out a review of the Constitution and it was approved by Council on 24 May 2016. The current version is available to download in bite-sized documents below.



Part 1 - Summary and Explanation

Introduction to the Constitution and how the Council operates

Downloads Part 1

Part 2 - Articles of the Constitution

Basic rules governing the Council's business, and the rights of the citizens

Downloads Part 2

Part 3 - Responsibility for Functions

Who can take decisions, including terms of reference for Committees and responsibilities given to officers

Downloads Part 3

Part 4 - Rules of Procedure

Procedures for taking decisions and conducting meetings

Downloads Part 4

Part 5 - Codes and Protocols

Codes of Conduct for Members and employees, and other codes and protocols

Downloads Part 5

Part 6 - Members' Allowance Scheme

Payment for Members depending on their responsibilities

Downloads Part 6

Part 7 - Outside Bodies

Details of Members appointed to Outside Bodies

Downloads Part 7

Part 8 - Blaby District Council Vision, Values and Corporate Principles

Downloads Part 8

Part 9 - Management Structure

Downloads Part 9

Part 10 - Financial Regulations

Downloads Part 10

Part 11 - Contract Regulations

Downloads Part 11
Last updated 11 September 2023
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