Due to essential maintenance, some online services will be unavailable from 4.45pm on 24 February to 5pm on 3 March. List of services
Open Data
As part of our commitment to transparency, we are working to make as much information readily available as possible. This page includes a range of key datasets, all published in re-useable formats.
In addition to being published here, all of our datasets will also be available from the national portal.
Blaby District Council encourages the re-use of the information that we produce, hold and disseminate.
Unless otherwise stated, all information published on this page is re-usable under the terms of the Open Government Licence.
You are free to:
- copy, publish and transmit the information;
- adapt the information; and
- exploit the Information commercially and non-commercially
Whenever re-using our information you must attribute Blaby District Council as the source.
Requests for information
If you would like to request information not currently available online you can do so by completing the contact us form below or by completing our online request form on the freedom of information page.
We will respond to all requests for re-use of information within 20 working days.
Should you be unhappy with the response to your request, you can ask for an internal review of the decision. If, having had a review, you still not satisfied you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office who will decide whether to investigate the matter further.
NNDR Dataset - Sole trader information
Following on from the Decision of the ICO of 10 February 2015, Blaby District Council now includes the names of sole traders in extracts of the NNDR dataset produced in response to Freedom of Information requests. This is because Blaby District Council agrees with the ICO’s view that “running a business is, in the main, a public activity and business people cannot expect the same degree of privacy in relation to their business activities as they can in their private lives”.