Environmental Information
The Environmental Information Regulations 2004 ("EIR") provide public access to environmental information held by public authorities, including Blaby District Council.
The EIR only covers environmental information. For access to other information that the Council holds, please visit our Freedom of Information page. If you wish to access information the Council holds about you please visit the GDPR and Personal Information page.
What is environmental information?
The term “environmental information” as defined in the EIR covers a wide variety of information, including (but not limited to):
- The state of the elements of the environment such as; air, water, soil land and natural sites
- Substances such as energy, noise, radiation or waste
- Measures such as policies, plans, programmes and agreements
- Reports on the implementation of environmental legislation
- Cost-benefit and other economic analyses
- The state of human health and safety, including contamination of the food chain
How to make a request
All requests for environmental information should be sent to eir@blaby.gov.uk. Please state as clearly as possible the information you require.
We will acknowledge all requests upon receipt and a response will be provided within 20 working days.
Publically available information
We are not obliged to supply environmental information in response to a request where it is already publically available, for example on our website or via inspection at our offices.
Live systems
The EIR provide a right of access to recorded information. They do not provide a right of access to our live systems or networks.
Opinions or explanations
The EIR does not provide a right to request opinions or information that is known by officers but not recorded, or general explanations where these would not be on the record.
Unreasonable requests
We may refuse requests which are manifestly unreasonable or that would take an excessive amount of officer time to respond to.
Property information for CON29 form - 2016 Edition
How to make a request
For requests for information to answer the CON29R form for free under EIR, please send your request, along with a plan* clearly showing the property you are interested in to: eir@blaby.gov.uk.
A list of where to access information held by Blaby District Council to answer the questions on the CON29R is available for download below.
Hinckley and Bosworth properties
For access to information to answer the CON29 form under EIR for properties in the Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council area, please send your request, along with a plan* clearly showing the property you are interested into eirps@hinckley-bosworth.gov.uk.
Oadby and Wigston properties
For access to information to answer the CON29 form under EIR for properties in the Oadby and Wigston Borough Council area, please send your request, along with a plan* clearly showing the property you are interested into eir@oadby-wigston.gov.uk
Personal search
If you are looking for a "personal search" of the local land charges register, please see our Local Land Charges page for details.
*Please note: under the terms of the Public Sector Mapping Agreement (PSMA) the Council is unable to accept plans or maps which are not licensed for use by your business. This includes maps or plans that have been copied from other maps, such as a Land Registry Title Plan or a map which has a watermark.
Any search requests which we receive that include a plan or map which we consider to be unlicensed will be returned to you and should be resubmitted with a properly sourced plan or map. If we continue to receive unlicensed plans from you, we may refer the matter to Ordnance Survey, who may levy a fine.
For more information about using the Ordnance Survey (OS) information and licensing, please visit the OS website.
Fees and charges
We may ask you to pay for postage and any substantial amounts of photocopying or reproduction of documents. If this is the case, we will let you know the costs involved before supplying the information to you. For more information, please see our fees and charges document below.