District Cleansing and Highway Sweeping

The council have a duty to clear litter and refuse, as far as practicable from public places for which it is directly responsible. This primarily includes areas such as the public highway (verges, pavements and to some degree the road itself), council owned car-parks, play areas, pedestrian areas, parks and open spaces.

Road channels and pavements are also mechanically swept throughout the year. These are graded dependent on the typical rate of accumulation of detritus, which in turn determines the frequency of sweeping applied.

Recently developed areas of the district may have not yet been adopted as public highway and would therefore be maintained by the developer. We will tell you if this is the case when you request a street to be cleaned.

If you become aware of an accumulation of litter that our cleansing crews haven’t yet cleared, you can report this to us using the form below.

For more information on the District Cleansing Service, please have a look at our Public Space Bin and District Cleansing Policy.

Last updated 19 February 2025
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