Affordable Rent

Affordable Rent is designed to:

  • Maximise the delivery of new social housing by making the best possible use of constrained public subsidy and the existing social housing stock
  • Provide an offer which is more diverse for the range of people accessing social housing, providing alternatives to traditional social rent 

Affordable Rent properties are subject to regulation by the Tenant Services Authority, where they are provided by a Registered Provider. Affordable Rent will offer housing associations the flexibility to convert vacant social rent properties to Affordable Rent at re-letting, at a rent level of up to 80% of market rent.

Housing associations will be able to convert vacant properties to Affordable Rent where they have reached an investment agreement with the Home and Communities Agency about how additional rental income will be reinvested in the supply of new affordable housing.

This report available to download below details related findings and recommendations.

Last updated 21 February 2025
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