Medium Term Financial Strategy
The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) demonstrates how our financial resources will be deployed over the next five years to deliver declared aims and priorities.
It sets out the overall shape of the Council’s budget by determining the level of resources that will be available and how these are currently allocated between services.
This provides a medium-term framework to enable members and officers to develop detailed annual budget allocations.
Key plans and strategies
The MTFS is supported by the following key strategies and plans:
- Capital Strategy
- Capital Programme
- Prudential Indicators and Treasury Management Strategy
The delivery of this strategy is dependent on the resources made available through government settlements and on the success of the Council in realigning resources to its aims and priorities.
A copy of the Medium Term Financial Strategy financial summary, updated in February 2022, can be downloaded below. The MTFS will be fully revised later in 2022 following the conclusion of the government’s consultations on Fair Funding and changes to the Business Rates Retention Scheme.