Blaby District Plan

We are pleased to introduce the Blaby District Plan for 2024 to 2028. The Plan embodies our collective commitment to enhancing the district to ensure it remains a great place to live, work and visit.

It's important to remember this Plan is not just for the Council; it's for everyone in Blaby District. It's an inclusive journey which involves our residents, businesses, the voluntary sector, communities and partner organisations. 

The Plan sets out four main challenges facing the district: climate change, service delivery, housing growth and health.  Notably, the challenge relating to service delivery is based on future funding, anticipating reductions and increased demands on the Council. As a result the Council foresees a budget deficit of £4.9 million by the financial year 2027/2028.

Our vision

At the core of the Blaby District Plan lies a clear vision: to ensure that Blaby District is a great place to live, work and visit.

Organisational values

The plan sets out four organisational values that will serve as guiding principles in day to day operations:

  1. Put the customer at the heart of everything we do
  2. Be innovative, adaptable and resourceful
  3. Understand the needs of our communities and treat everyone fairly
  4. Be open, honest and clearly communicate

Our strategic themes

The Blaby District Plan 2024 -2028 outlines five strategic themes that will guide the Council's work:

  1. Enabling our communities and supporting our vulnerable residents
  2. Enhancing and maintaining our natural and built environment
  3. Growing and supporting our economy
  4. Keeping you safe and healthy
  5. Ambitious and well managed Council, valuing our people.

Annual Blaby District Plan - Action Plan

Each year the Council agrees a list of specific actions and priorities for the year ahead that deliver against the overarching strategic themes and objectives outlined in the Blaby District Plan. The action plan shows the key specific projects being worked on across the Council during the 12-month period (April to March), and which part of the Blaby District Plan they are contributing towards. The current Action Plan is available to download below. 

Peer Review

In March 2022, the Local Government Association (LGA) conducted a peer review of the Council. The review was welcomed and provides an opportunity to look at the things we do well, but also the things we can do to make the Council even better. Overall results of the peer review were positive, and a few highlights are captured below:

  • We are a well-run local authority
  • We are in a sound financial position, with strong leadership and committed staff
  • There is a real ownership from officers and members for everyone to do their best for Blaby
  • We have delivered well through Covid, responding to the Huncote site emergency, and responding to our residents’ and customers’ needs
  • We are highly respected by our partners and residents
  • We are self-aware and open to challenge

The full report is available to download by using the link below.

An action plan has been developed in response to the recommendations set out in the report and this is also available to download below.

Last updated 28 February 2025
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