For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

Assets of Community Value

Assets of Community Value, known as the Community Right to Bid, gives community groups a fairer chance to save local assets that are important to them. This could include a:

  • Village shop
  • Pub
  • Community Centre
  • Children's Centre
  • Allotment
  • Library
  • Cinema
  • Recreation ground

The right covers both private and public assets.

If community groups are interested in buying an asset they can use the Community Right to Bid to pause a sale, giving them six months to prepare to buy it before the asset can be sold.

We play an administrative role in this process and are required to keep a list of all Assets of Community Value. Our policy gives information on the process community groups need to follow to list an asset of community value and our involvement in the process.

Any nominations to list an Asset of Community Value should be sent to our Property Services team.

Community Right to Challenge

The Community Right to Challenge allows voluntary and community groups, charities, parish councils and local authority staff to bid and run a local authority service where they believe they can do so differently and better. Our policy and guidance give details of how we will deal with any bids we receive.

Last updated 20 April 2021
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