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Employment, Work and Skills Coordinator. Reports to: Community, Business, Work & Skills Manager. Scale: 5. Politically Restricted: No. Overall Purpose. 1 ...

Jul 11, 2016 ... 1.1. There is a clause within the agreed Section 106 Agreement for the development at Lubbesthorpe; which enables the delivery of employment ... - Employment of Project Coordinator.pdf

At the local VCS Forum Carole Troake, Principal Economic Development Officer of Blaby District. Council (BDC) delivered a presentation on the local economy of ... 3 VCS Forum Feedback.pdf

Jul 1, 2016 ... It aims to influence investment in infrastructure, existing and new businesses, tourism and leisure as well as skills and training. Our vision ...

Proactive and passionate Lead for Community Development to work across Blaby District and at neighbourhood level. Provide professional community development ...

Increasing private sector investment in growth- enhancing activities, through targeted support for small and medium- sized businesses to undertake new-to- firm ... 1 UKSPF - Challenges Opportunities Investment Themes.pdf

Jan 13, 2014 ... The. Strategy will support bids and applications to encourage leverage of funding from partner economic development programmes and mechanisms. - Economic Development Strategy.pdf

The only way we can continue to deliver high-quality services to our residents is by making sure that our employees have the right skills and support to succeed ...

The partnership will deliver a broad programme of strategic investment relating to business and enterprise, employment and skills and infrastructure ... 3 Draft Economic Strategy.pdf

The following groups involved in the management of sub-regional economic development have contributed. • Business and Enterprise Strategy and ... 1 Draft Economic Assessment Summary.pdf