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Local Plan Delivery DPD

The Blaby District Local Plan (Delivery) Development Plan Document (known as the 'Delivery DPD') was adopted by the Council on 04 February 2019.

The Delivery DPD includes site allocations and development management policies. It sits alongside the adopted Core Strategy and these two documents form the development plan for the District that will be used to make decisions on planning applications. These documents replace the Blaby District Local Plan 1999 in its entirety.

All documents, including the Adoption Statement, Adopted Delivery DPD, Policies Map and Sustainability Appraisal Report are available to download below.


Paper copies are available to view at our Narborough Offices and libraries within the District.


The Local Plan Delivery DPD was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate on 23 March 2018. Following the examination, the Inspector's Report concluded that the Delivery DPD was sound subject to a number of Main Modifications. Further details of the examination process are available to view in the Examination Timeline document available below.

Delivery DPD - Proposed Submission Version

Consultation on the Blaby District Local Plan Delivery DPD (Proposed Submission Version) took place between 29 November 2017 and 18 January 2018.

This consultation was an opportunity to make representations on the 'soundness' and legal compliance of the Delivery DPD before the document was submitted for Examination. The following documents were made available and can be downloaded below:

  • Local Plan Delivery DPD (Proposed Submission Version)
  • Policies Map (Proposed Submission Version)
  • Inset Maps (Proposed Submission Version)
  • Sustainability Appraisal - Main Report
  • Sustainability Appraisal - Appendices
  • Statement of Consultation
  • Statement of Representations Procedure

A number of evidence documents support the Delivery DPD. These can be found on the Local Plan Evidence page.

Previous Consultations

A consultation on the Preferred Options version of the Delivery DPD was open between 05 October to 16 November 2016.

A summary of the consultation responses and the Council's response is set out in the Statement of Consultation. The Council started to prepare this document in 2013 by asking what this document should contain. A summary of the consultation responses and the Council's response is set out in the Statement of Consultation. The Statement of Consultation and Preferred Options documents can be downloaded below.

Last updated 16 September 2020
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