About the Local Plan
Planning shapes the places where people live and work and the country we live in. Good planning ensures that we get the right development, in the right place and at the right time.
It makes a positive difference to people’s lives and helps to deliver homes, jobs and better opportunities for all, whilst protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment and conserving the countryside and important open spaces.
Planning law requires that planning applications must be determined by the statutory development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The development plan includes the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plans for the area.
In Blaby District, the Development Plan currently includes:
- Blaby District Local Plan (Core Strategy) 2013
- Blaby District Local Plan (Delivery) DPD 2019
- Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan up to 2031
- Blaby Neighbourhood Plan 2018
- Leicester Forest East Neighbourhood Plan 2022
- Cosby Neighbourhood Plan 2023
- Glenfield Neighbourhood Plan 2023
- Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Plan 2024
The Leicestershire Minerals and Waste Local Plan is available on the Leicestershire County Council website.
Information about progress on other Neighbourhood Plans within the District is available on the Neighbourhood Planning webpage.
The 'saved' policies of the Blaby Local Plan 1999 are no longer part of the development plan for the District.
Current work on the new Local Plan
The Council is starting work on a new Local Plan. Further information is available on the new Local Plan webpage.
How do I get involved?
The Statement of Community Involvement outlines how and when the Council will involve the local community when preparing the Local Plan and in the determination of planning applications. The statement relates to the entire District of Blaby and the most recent version was adopted by Council in December 2020 and can be downloaded below.
What is happening next?
The Local Development Scheme sets out a programme and time frames for producing the new Local Plan. The most recent version of the Local Development Scheme was approved by Council in February 2025.