Apply for Temporary Road Closure

Events on the highways or affecting traffic

Permission from local authorities will be needed for the temporary closure of roads to allow events or parades to take place.

There are various mechanisms for closing streets and roads:

  • Blaby District Council can use its powers under the Town Police Clauses Act to close streets for “public procession, rejoicing or illumination”. This type of road closure is suitable for small community events such as street parties and Remembrance Day parades
  • Leicestershire County Council is the Highways Authority and has additional powers under the Road Traffic Regulation Act to close roads in connection with “sporting, social or entertainment” events. These powers should be used where larger roads for example trunk roads are affected by an event
  • The Police have powers to close streets in an emergency where unplanned obstructions threaten public safety

Update on policing

From August 2017 the Police are unable to provide officers to facilitate road closures. The provision of suitable traffic management for an event is the responsibility of the event organiser.

Blaby District Council will only be able to issue a road closure under the Town Police Clauses Act if it is satisfied that appropriate event safety measures are put in place on the day.

The Leicestershire County Council Highways department has issued guidance for event organisers in Downloads below.

How to apply for permission from Blaby District Council

You must apply to Blaby District Council for an order to close the street under the Town and Police Clauses Act using the form available for download below at least 8 weeks in advance of the event and send it to

For us to process your application you must provide us with:

  • Application form
  • Road Closure Plan and parade route (if applicable)
  • Risk Assessment
  • Evidence of Public Liability Insurance
  • Traffic Management Plan
  • Confirmation of road signage arrangements with Leicestershire County Council (Highways Authority) arrangements or other
  • Evidence of consultations with third parties
  • Details of any objections

Your risk assessment must be thorough and set out in detail how each element of your road closure will operate and how any hazards will be addressed. 

Make sure you inform the emergency and ambulance services about your event and consult with residents and businesses that might be affected by the road closure.

How to apply for permission from the Highways Authority at Leicestershire County Council

If your event is not suitable for an Order under the Town Police Clauses Act, you will need to apply to Leicestershire County Council, who are the Highways Authority, for an order to close the roads.

To apply, contact the highways department at Leicestershire County Council, either by email to or in writing to Events - Network Management Team, Leicestershire County Council, Highway Depot, Arbor Road, Croft, LE9 3GE.  

Why apply for a Temporary Road Closure Order?

You, as an event organiser, have responsibility for ensuring the safety of those attending your event and the safety of those who may be affected by it. Without a Temporary Road Closure Order or a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order in place, any motorist/road user can exercise their right to use the road and you are powerless to stop them.

If an accident occurs you may find that failure to obtain a Temporary Road Closure Order or Temporary Traffic Regulation Order will affect your insurance position.

An application made to Blaby District Council for a Temporary Road Closure under the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847 is judged on the following criteria:

  • The timescale for approval (a minimum of 8 weeks)
  • The nature of the event
  • The appropriateness of traffic management arrangements
  • The anticipated numbers of persons attending within the road closure
  • The necessity for the road closure on the grounds of public safety
  • A map of the intended route
  • Risk Assessment
  • Proof of public liability insurance to the value of £5 million or such higher figure that is needed to provide adequate cover for the particular event
  • A management plan that includes emergency contact names and telephone numbers
  • The length of time of the anticipated road closure
  • Disruption to traffic flow
  • The viability of alternative traffic routes
  • Access by emergency services to locations within the road closure zone
  • Evidence of consultation with persons occupying premises fronting the affected streets
  • Objections raised by other parties/individuals
  • Other grounds deemed relevant to the application

NB. The arrangements for setting out the road closure are the responsibility of the event organiser.

Do I need other licences or permissions for my event?

If your event includes carrying out licensable activities, such as the sale of alcohol, regulated entertainment and/or late night refreshment, you should contact the Licensing team at Blaby District Council to discuss the need for a Temporary Event Notices (TEN). These notices can be given for carrying out licensable activities temporarily - for example, ad hoc or occasional events.

More information on Temporary Event Notices (TEN) can be found on the Temporary Event Notice page.

Last updated 3 March 2025
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