Resident Parking Permits

If you live in a property where you do not have suitable off-street parking and you live adjacent to or close to a Council car park, then you may be able to purchase a Resident Parking Permit. This page explains what you need to do in order to buy a Resident Parking Permit.

Resident Parking Permits are now offered electronically as a virtual permit and therefore paper permits will no longer be issued. Civil Enforcement Officers (CEOs) are able to check the vehicle registration on the permit using a handheld device to enforce the car park. 

Purchasing a virtual permit means there is no need to display anything in your vehicle as proof of payment and is more environmentally friendly than using paper permits.

If you have an existing paper permit, this can be used until its expiry after which you will then need to apply for a virtual permit. 

Where can I park with a Resident Parking Permit?

Resident Parking Permits are available in the following car parks alongside the associated cost:

  • Enderby Road and Johns Court Car Park, Blaby - £85
  • Weavers Court Car Park, Narborough - £85
  • Leicester Road Car Park, Narborough - £85
  • The Grange Car Park, Narborough - £55

Due to the size of the Leicester Road car park in Narborough we are only able to offer a limited number of Residents Parking Permits. Applications are open to specific addresses and where no alternative parking is available (for example on-street parking or driveway). Normal residence qualification requirements also apply. Please contact the Parking Team at the Council for further information. 

If you are a resident of the recently refurbished Old Bank flats at The Grange in Narborough and would like to apply for a Residents Parking Permit, please contact the Parking Team.

How to apply

To apply for a Resident Permit, please click the link below, which will take you to the virtual permit portal, MiPermit and select 'Resident Season Ticket'. 

You will need to upload the following:

  • Proof of residence (for example bill payment, tenancy agreement, Council Tax bill, etc.)
  • Proof of motor insurance for the vehicle you wish to register the permit with

Once uploaded, these will be checked by a member of the Parking Team before the virtual permit can be used. When applying for a Resident Permit, you will be required to input your payment details where the charge will be held until the application has been validated. If the documents provided are not satisfactory, your application will be returned and you will not be charged. 

If you believe you are entitled to apply for a Resident Permit however you do not see your address available on the online portal, please contact the Parking Team at for more information. 

Should you have any issues using the online portal, MiPermit Assistance can be contacted on 0345 520 7007.

Terms and conditions

  1. This permit is only valid for the car park specified
  2. The permit is only valid for the vehicle specified in the permit.
  3. Failure to have a valid permit will give rise to the issuing of a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) in accordance with the regulations in force.
  4. It is the responsibility of the owner of the permit to apply if you are in need of a renewal or update the permit when the vehicle is changed. In such instances the Council will undertake appropriate checks and if it sees fit may issue a replacement permit. Until such time as the permit has been replaced, then a Pay and Display ticket must be obtained to use the car park.
  5. The Environmental Health, Housing and Community Services Group Manager reserves the right to limit the number of Residents’ Parking Permits that are issued to best manage the operation of the car park.
  6. Possession of this permit does not guarantee the availability of a parking space in the car park.
  7. If you forget to update or renew your Residents’ Permit you are liable to receive a penalty charge notice.
  8. Where the owner no longer requires the use of a residents permit, then it may be surrendered for a refund as per a sliding scale based on the number of months remaining on the permit. A £10.00 administration charge will be deducted from the total amount refunded.
  9. This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes.

The Environmental Health, Net Zero, Housing and Community Services Group Manager reserves the right to refuse to issue a Resident Parking Permit where he or she considers the issue of a permit to be inappropriate and/or not in the best interests of his or her management of the car park.

Last updated 26 February 2025
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