Our council recognises the vital contribution volunteers make to improving quality of life in communities across the District.
As well as the opportunities we offer to volunteer for us, we also:
- Work with the voluntary and community sector, supporting organisations to develop volunteering opportunities and their volunteering programmes
- Encourage good practice in volunteer involvement, so that volunteering is open to everyone and is positive and beneficial for all involved
- Support organisations to help them positively involve volunteers
Local volunteering opportunities
Volunteering for Blaby District Council
Please see the list of links at the bottom of the page to find out more.
Click here for more information on becoming a Volunteer Litter Picker
Within the District we are currently looking for volunteer walk leaders to take on the following walks across the district:
Monday (Not on Bank Holidays)
- Kirby Muxloe (Brisk) - 11am-12pm - Kirby Muxloe Library, Station Road, Kirby Muxloe, LE9 2EN
- South Wigston (Easy) - 11am-12pm - Tesco, South Wigston, LE18 4SE
- Oadby (Brisk) - 10am-11am - Jenno's Coffee Shop, Washbrook Lane, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 5JJ
- Stoney Stanton (Brisk) - 10am-11am - Stoney Stanton Memorial Playing Fields, Stoney Stanton, LE9 4TQ
- Countesthorpe (Beginner) - 11:30am-12:30pm - Countesthorpe Library - Station Road, Countesthorpe, LE8 5TB
- Walk Together Glen Parva (Beginner) - 10:30am-11:30am - Glen Hills Library, Dorothy Avenue, Glen Parva, LE2 9JD
- Walk Together Glen Parva (Brisk) - 10:30am-11:30am - Glen Hills Library (address as above)
- Wigston (Easy) - 11am-12 noon - Wigston Cemetery, 156 Welford Road, Wigston, LE18 3SN
Find out more information, including on how to contact our team to become Volunteer Walk Leader on the Active Blaby website in the link panel below.
A Place To Grow supports people living with mental health, learning disabilities and long term health conditions and is free to use for our residents. The sustainable Community Garden was created with the purpose to support positive health and well-being. We encourage people to learn new things by producing and eating healthy food, being physically active, getting involved in the community and meeting new people in a friendly, informal and safe environment.
The site is aimed at supporting and encouraging those living with or affected by a health condition to enjoy the outdoors. To find out more, please visit our A Place to Grow page.
Volunteering for a Community Organisation
Please see the External Links panel at the bottom of the page to find out more.
Commbus is a local community transport service. Our organisation is run entirely by volunteer drivers, escorts and office staff who give their time freely to make our customers' lives more independent.
We are always looking for new volunteers who are willing to give something back to the community, whether it is as a driver (who will be MIDAS trained), a bus escort to help our passengers onto the buses or an office co-ordinator to answer all our enquiries and bookings. We also provide full in-house training for all our positions.
If you would like volunteer for any of the above positions, please contact Kim Richardson on 07899 668 034 or email kim.richardson@outlook.com
Countesthorpe Scouts offer Skills for Life for over 130 young people aged 6 to 17 years through our Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Young Leaders Sections. Our varied indoor and outdoor programme is full of fun and adventure for young people and adult volunteers alike, and we welcome anyone to join our team. No previous experience needed - there will be something you can help with!
Roles available:
- Helping deliver Skills for Life, fun and adventure for our Young People in weekly Section meetings, on trips or camps. You don’t have to come every week, any time you can give is great!
- Supporting our charity’s functions as a trustee on our Executive Committee, including finances, governance, health, and safety and building matters
- Joining our hut maintenance team, helping to keep our ageing building safe and secure for generations to come
- Joining our Fundraising Team, including for our Annual Scout Gala, raising vital funds for the Group to ensure the cost to members is as low as possible in these challenging times and that Scouting can be available to everyone, regardless of their background
For more information contact Jack (Group Scout Leader) on 07811 100 301 or jack.barber@countesthorpescouts.org.uk
We have an eight-person Committee at present all of whom are volunteers, but we have a further two vacancies as our projects are gaining more momentum. For those who wish not to join our committee, there is always room for more volunteers to join. Without volunteers, Friends of Narborough Station would not exist, nor would it be the dynamic function it is today.
If you are interested in helping us to fulfil our exciting projects, which include making the station dementia friendly, more accessible and creating a cycle storage hub please contact john@harrisonhome.force9.co.uk or trevorfollows@aol.com.
Croft Good Neighbour Scheme assists villagers with varied tasks such as: transport to appointments, help with their shopping, DIY, befriending and many more. The request for our services is growing and to be able to deliver these, we require more volunteers to help with this much valued service.
Volunteers will be asked to complete a DBS application which is supplied and paid for by Croft Good Neighbours scheme.
We are currently looking for volunteers to fill the role of a Telephone Co-ordinator. This role involves answering incoming calls on our community phone, taking details of the request and contact the volunteers to see who is available for the specific task. The co-ordinator will then be required to contact the service user to inform them they will be contacted by a volunteer.
If this is something you can help with, even if its just half an hour every once in a while, please contact us on 07590 246 386 visit the website in the links panel below.
Whetstone Good Neighbour Scheme is made up of a group of local volunteers who aim to provide neighbourly assistance to those residents of Whetstone who are vulnerable or in need of short-term assistance. Our volunteers have been able to help service users with their shopping and assist them with appointments including hospital, doctors, dental, opticians and hairdressers. We have also taken service users out to lunch clubs or social events and helped with DIY jobs, gardening, form filling and befriending.
The team continue to work diligently and safely to develop the services we offer in line with the needs of the community. Befriending work remains a lifeline to residents, taking away the isolation aspect of everyday life. We continue to be recognised by our service users and other organisations as a key service provider to our community and remain an asset. If you would like to volunteer and help continue to grow our service, please contact Sally Batham on 07916 003946 or visit the website in the links panel at the bottom of the page for more information.
Blaby Mind Matters meet at Blaby Social Club and help support anyone with a mental health diagnosis. No expertise in mental health is required to volunteer at our group. Activities such as bingo take place during the event, and we occasionally venture out for a pub lunch.
The group is a chance for people to get together, make friends and support one another, over a cup of tea/coffee and some biscuits.
We are always looking for volunteers to help deliver these events, if this is something you are interested in, please contact Karen Szczurek on 07530 554 2155 or email karen@szczurek.co.uk for more information.
Toys on the table is a registered charity which gives new toys to children who would otherwise receive nothing on Christmas Day. Children are referred to us by local authorities’ social services, schools, Women’s aid, and other social charities. Toys are donated by both the public and local businesses. We also purchase some toys/gifts for children where donations do not meet demand. During the pandemic, we provided toys/gifts to 4800 children. This figure was around 40% above our annual average of 3400 children.
If you would like to donate any toys, Blaby District Council offices, located on Desford Road, Narborough, have a collection point. Only new gifts from donors, or funds to purchase new gifts can be accepted. We ask that gifts are not wrapped as they have to be inspected before distribution under health and safety rules. We collect from the offices on a weekly basis. If you would like to find other donation points, please visit www.toysonthetable.org.uk/how-can-you-help/
The very nature of our charity calls for volunteers who are able to commit any of their time (Monday to Friday) between November and Christmas Eve each year. If you would like to help nearer the time, please email toysonthetable@aol.com
We are a Scout group in the heart of Braunstone Town. We have young people, both boys and girls, from the age of 6 years upwards, to learn new skills and develop friendships that could last a lifetime. We have over 80 youngsters come to us every week.
We need your help - become a volunteer.
Volunteering can be a brilliant way to boost your mental wellbeing. It's a great feeling knowing you're helping young people get skills for life, and you might even learn a lot about yourself along the way.
Scouts can make you feel good in other ways too. We'll guide you to an opportunity where you'll:
- Make friends and meet people
- Try new things and challenge yourself
- Get outdoors and get stuck in
- Positively impact your community
- Create vital opportunities for young people
- Make memories that'll last a lifetime
If you can only occasionally help, that's OK. Whether you'd like to be an activity planner, tea-maker or craft creator, we appreciate any time you can spare.
If this is something you are interested in, please contact the Lead Volunteer on 07712 660 595, or email 4thleicesterscoutgroup@mail.com
Cross Counties radio can be found on 92FM and 95.4FM and is looking for residents in Blaby District to contribute to the service. If you are interested in radio, broadcasting, and the community you live in, then why not get involved? We have a range of roles available. If you experience difficulties with travelling and getting out the house, we can bring the radio to you.
No experience is necessary, and we will support you along the way. If you are interested in a role, get in touch today. Contact studio@crosscountiesradio.co.uk or call 0116 326 300 and leave a voicemail.
Leicestershire Shared Reading is a voluntary organisation which supports a thriving network of shared reading groups for adults. The groups, led by volunteer Reader Leaders, meet weekly in public libraries around the county, or on Zoom, and are open to anyone to drop in and sit for a while, listening to stories and poems being read aloud. This engaging atmosphere enables social connection and interaction, improves mental wellbeing, and provides a friendly support network.
We have a vacancy available for a Reader Leader to join with two experienced volunteers to support the new Blaby library group which will start on Thursday 27 February at 11.30am to 1pm. If you would like to see whether this is for you, please come along to one of our weekly sessions. No need to let us know, just turn up.
To find out more, please visit the website link at the bottom of the page or email on leicssharedreading@gmail.com.
We are a community managed library run entirely by volunteers and offer a friendly, welcoming environment for our local community. As well as book loans we have public access computers, free Wi-Fi, and a range of activities. Our café is a wonderful place to meet and enjoy a nice drink and a piece of homemade cake. Our volunteers feel a sense of achievement and companionship.
Glenhills Library is looking for Library Volunteers to help assist customers, manage the issue, and return of books and maintain the professional presentation of the library. If you are interested in this role, please contact Linda Sidorowicz on linda.sidorowicz@gmail.com. Furthermore, if you would like to assist in the running of the café, please email Jan Martin at janmartin66@yahoo.com or call 07445 880 889.
We are a community library run entirely by volunteers. Most of our volunteers work in the library itself manning the desk which involves checking books in and out and dealing with customer enquiries. Volunteers also help customers to use the printing and photocopying facilities, help with specific book requests or any other enquiry that might arise.
We have other volunteers who run children’s activities in the library or help us with IT or premises issues.
Anyone wishing to find out more or wanting to volunteer can visit the website linked at the bottom of the page where there is a contact form, or email directly on enquiries@stoneystantoncommunitylibrary.co.uk
Homestart Horizons is a local charity that provides help to families with young children through their challenging times. A child’s earliest years are irreplaceable, and the earliest years make the biggest impact. Our volunteers have parenting experience and 2-3 hours a week to support a local family.
Five reasons to volunteer for Homestart Horizons:
- Families need support more than ever
- You can make a difference in your own community
- You can share your skills
- You can gain valuable new skills
- It can boost your mental health
For more information visit the website linked at the bottom of the page or call 07493 149119
Age UK Leicester Shire and Rutland is looking for befriending volunteers to visit older people living in the local area. Enjoying a cuppa and a chat really does make a difference to a lonely older person and can brighten your week too.
To find out more contact 0116 204 6440 or email befriending@ageukleics.org.uk
Volunteer with Lubbesthorpe Alive – Make a Difference in Your Community!
Lubbesthorpe Alive is all about bringing people together and creating a thriving, connected community. Since 2016, we’ve been organising events, activities, and support services to make Lubbesthorpe a fantastic place to live. From baby groups to festivals, our work relies on amazing volunteers who give their time to help run activities, support events, and keep our community hub buzzing.
Would you like to get involved? Whether you can spare a little time or a lot, there’s a role for you!
LubbFest – Marshalls & Event Volunteers Needed!
Our biggest event of the year, LubbFest – the Community Fundraiser, Food & Music Festival, needs volunteers to help make it happen! We’re looking for:
Event Marshalls – guiding visitors and ensuring a safe, fun experience
Ticket & Info Desk Helpers – welcoming guests and answering questions
Set-Up & Pack-Down Crew – helping bring the festival to life
Litter Pickers & Toilet Checkers – keeping the event clean and comfortable
Even a couple of hours of your time makes a huge impact!
Other Volunteer Opportunities
If festivals aren’t your thing, you can still get involved in:
Baby & Toddler Groups (DBS check required)
Market Café – serving up warm drinks and friendly chats
Seasonal Events – Christmas, Halloween, and more!
Maintenance & Organisation – sorting cupboards, tidying the garden, cleaning toys
School Holiday Activities (DBS check required)
No experience is needed – just enthusiasm and a willingness to help!
Interested? Get in touch today!
For further volunteering opportunities please go to Voluntary Action Leicestershire's website where you can search for opportunities near to you.
We need volunteers
Are you a community group, charity or non-profit?
Advertising your roles is a service we offer free of charge but we do have minimum quality standards that we expect from organisations. This is to ensure that both the volunteer and the organisation will be safe, supported and benefit from volunteering.
If you would like us to advertise your volunteering opportunity, please get in touch using the contact us form below.
Blaby District Council runs an employer supported volunteering scheme, which allows staff time off, during working hours, to provide volunteering support to local community groups and organisations. For further information see the Employer Supported Volunteering Policy and Procedure below.
Business Volunteering is when a company’s employees offer their time and expertise for the benefit of local voluntary and community groups during work time, all with the support of their employer.
Employee volunteering is good for the community, good for those who volunteer and good for your business.
We can offer team challenges or individual volunteering opportunities.
If you are a local business that wants to give back to the local community, recognises the important role of voluntary and community organisations and wants to contribute to their sustainability please get in touch using the contact us form below.
- Voluntary Action Leicestershire
- Leicestershire Shared Reading
- Whetstone Good Neighbours Scheme
- Health Walks - Active Blaby
- Toys on the Table
- Croft Good Neighbours
- Girlguiding Leicestershire
- Lubbesthorpe Alive
- Horses for Causes - Soar Valley Western
- Stoney Stanton Community Library
- Homestart Horizons
- Hope Against Cancer (volunteer form)