Can’t find the service you are looking for? A full list of services can be found on our A–Z listings page.
Information on the facilities and centres we have in the district
Information on the scheme, how to achieve a top rating and online forms
Includes antisocial behaviour, noise and hate crime
Do you represent a local charity, community group or sports club seeking funding?
The next deadline for Community Grant applications is Friday 7 March at 5pm.
Visit our webpage for more information and application details.
Find a directory of over 450 local activities, an innovative assessment form to increase your activity levels, info about programmes you can join and expert help and advice to get you moving!
Visit the Active Blaby website today!
Can you spare a couple of hours a week, on a Tuesday, to volunteer at our new Community Fridge?
This exciting initiative, opening in Glen Parva at the end of April, needs volunteers to collect and distribute food for the local community.
Find out more about volunteering with us.