Over 55 Accommodation

There are a number of accommodation options for residents aged 55 and over within the district These include both supported and sheltered living.

In this district over 55's accommodation includes bungalows and sheltered flats. There is also extra care accommodation for those with care needs. You can find out more information on our Extra Care webpage.

What is Sheltered Accommodation?

Sheltered accommodation are schemes allowing residents to live in their own, independent flats as part of a larger community hub. They may have communal meeting areas and many complexes are covered by a warden. Some schemes may include bungalows that have access to a warden. these schemes are owned and managed by housing associations in this district.

Applying for Sheltered or Over 55's Accommodation

To apply for sheltered or over 55’s accommodation, you must apply to join the housing register. You can apply by selecting the button below, and you can find more information on joining the housing register on our Applying for the Housing Register webpage.

Last updated 21 February 2025
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