Trailblazer Homeless Prevention Project

The Trailblazer Homelessness Prevention Project is a scheme funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government to find out how services to help people at risk of homelessness are working.

As part of the project, the Housing team at Blaby District Council may share your information with the project. Any contact made with the Housing team may see information shared, whether the contact has been limited or extensive.

The project will look at many different services around the country to help people who are believed to be at risk of homelessness, including those who:

  • Work with rough sleepers
  • Approach the Council's Housing team
  • Are leaving prison
  • Young people at risk of homelessness

Information shared

If your information is chosen to be shared, we will only share the information about your circumstances and those of your household.

None of the following personal details will be included, and the information will be anonymous:

  • Your name
  • Date of birth
  • Address
  • Gender

Any shared information will help researchers working on behalf of the Trailblazer Project to understand how current services work. The use of your information will not have any effect on your access to any service. However, finding out whether these services are working should inform decisions about what services are available in future.

The information will help decisions about what types of services should be provided and help the government understand whether the new services have worked well or not. 

Opting out

If you feel very strongly that you don’t want researchers to use your information, you can opt out. If you opt out, your decision will not have any impact on you whatsoever. Please contact us if you wish to opt out.

If you want to see the information about you that is being collected for this research, you have the right to request it. To do so, you need to contact someone at your Housing Options service and tell them that you want to see your data.

Last updated 18 March 2025
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