Anti-Social Behaviour

The local authority will provide support and assistance to residents who are victims of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and where necessary take appropriate actions in conjunction with other agencies, including the Police. We work closely with the police to tackle ASB and as such we will share relevant and appropriate information.

Report ASB

  • Contact us by clicking the button below and filling out the form
  • Contact us on 0116 272 7725
  • Contact the Police via Leicestershire Police Website (a link to this is at the bottom of this page)
Review an ASB or hate case

An ASB Case Review previously referred to as ''Community Trigger'' gives victims and communities the right to request a review of an ongoing anti-social behaviour or hate incident that you believe has not been adequately dealt with.

ASB Case Reviews can be raised by victims or representatives of victims (where written consent is provided by the victim), and victims can be individuals or businesses.

A request to activate an ASB Case Review can be made if, within the last six months:

  • You (as an individual) have reported to the Council, Police or Registered Housing Provider (social landlord) three separate incidents of anti-social behaviour within your area, or
  • You have been the victim of a hate incident,


  • You believe that no effective action has been taken.

It should also be noted that for ASB Case Review request to be considered, you must have reported each incident within calendar month of it having occurred. 

Submit an ASB Case Review

When you complete the ASB Case Review reporting form we will ask you for:

  • Details of the incident(s), including any reference numbers
  • Where it/they took place
  • What action has been taken
  • Your contact details

Hard copies should be returned to Blaby District Council's Community Services team.

Applications will be rejected if they are identified as prejudicial, discriminatory, malicious, unreasonable, vexatious or frivolous.

You can find the ASB Case Review form at the bottom of this page.

After reporting

Your request will be acknowledged within five working days of receipt.

Agencies will be asked to provide details of any reports you have made to them which relate to this application. This process will take up to ten working days and we will confirm whether you meet the criteria for activation of a formal review.

If your application does not meet the threshold for a full review, we will write to you with the reason why and give you information regarding what you can do next.

If the threshold is met, we will write to you and tell you. The review meeting will be held within twenty working days from the date of that letter, where possible. It can sometimes take longer than this to get all agencies together for the review meeting. If this is the case, we will keep you informed of the progress of your review.

You will be asked to provide a victim impact statement for the review meeting. This is a statement to show how the anti-social behaviour you have experienced has affected you. The Chair of the review panel will contact you about what can be included in your statement or you may wish to get help from a support worker or someone else, such as Victim First.

You are able to attend the review meeting. You can attend for the first thirty minutes of the meeting to meet the review panel and talk about your victim impact statement.

After the review meeting, the Chair will write to you with the outcome of the meeting. If there are any further actions recommended to help resolve your issues, an action plan will be sent to you showing the action recommended, the reason for this, who is responsible for the action and when the action should be completed.  

In the meantime, if you need to report any further anti-social behaviour or hate-related incidents, please report it.

The ASB Case Review does not replace the existing complaints procedure. You still have the right to complain to the Ombudsman or Independent Office for Police Conduct if you are unhappy about the service you have received. See more by viewing the Complaints Procedure.

Number of ASB Case Reviews reported

The number of Case Reviews received by Blaby District Council by quarter

  Number of ASB Case Reviews Met threshold for further action
April-June 0 0
July-September 0 0
October-December 0 0
January-March 0 0
April-June 0 0
July-September 0 0
October-December 0 0
0 0
April-June 0 0
July-September 0 0
October-December 0 0
January-March 0 0
April-June 0 0
July-September 0 0
October-December 0 0
January-March 2 1
April-June 4 3
July-September 0 0
October-December 1 0


Appeals process

Should you not be content with the outcome of the case review, an ASB Case Review may only be escalated to appeal where at least one of the following measures is satisfied:

  1. the threshold review or full case review has failed to consider a relevant process, policy or protocol, and/or
  2. the threshold review or full case review has failed to consider relevant factual information.

An applicant has twenty working days to request in writing that the matter be further considered, from the date of being advised that their application has not met the threshold for a case review or advised of the outcome of a case review meeting.

Appeals are managed by an independent Chair of an alternative Community Safety Partnership (CSP), not the Chair of Blaby and Hinckley and Bosworth CSP. 

Appeals must be made in writing and sent to the Blaby District Council Support Services Team Leader by email or letter, including detail of how one or both of the above measures for appeal are met. If you are acting as an advocate on behalf of somebody else, a signed consent letter from the person you are representing needs to be submitted along with the appeal.

The Team Leader will identify which partnership CSP Chair will handle the appeal. Once identified, they will submit copies of the relevant documentation to that individual within five working days.

The CSP Chair reviewing the appeal will acknowledge the request within five working day of receipt. They will then identify whether it meets the threshold, and if so carry out the appeal review. They will update the applicant and Team Leader of the outcome within twenty working days of the date of the acknowledgement letter. In extenuating circumstances this may take longer, in which case, updates will be provided every twenty working days.

The decision of the independent CSP Chair on any grounds of appeal is final.

Community Safety Partnership

The Joint Community Safety Partnership includes organisations working together to make Blaby District a safer place to live, work and visit.

Partners are:

  • Leicestershire Police
  • Leicestershire Fire and Rescue Service
  • Blaby District Council
  • Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council
Last updated 26 February 2025
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