For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

Report Graffiti

We will remove graffiti if it is on public land or property and deemed offensive. For graffiti to be deemed offensive it would usually contain some or all of the following elements:

  • Offensive language
  • Language of a political, racial, religious insulting or inciting nature
  • A hate statement
  • A graphically explicit image

The Council will arrange for the removal of the graffiti in a timescale determined by the content, with the highest priority likely to be given to graffiti which is racist or hate speech, or offensive language. Graffiti on private land is the responsibility of the owner to remove if they wish to do so. However, if there is offensive graffiti on private land the Council do have powers to require the owner to remove or cover up the items that are offensive. Private owners can contact the Council for advice and possible assistance on the removal or covering up of offensive graffiti.

You can report graffiti by filling in the online form below. When reporting have the following details to hand:

  • Location
  • What the graffiti is of (description of the graffiti)
  • Your details if you wish to be contacted
Last updated 2 March 2023
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