How and Where to Vote

You can only vote in elections if your name is on the Register of Electors. The following people are allowed to vote:

  • People aged 18 or over
  • British, Commonwealth, Irish and some European Union Citizens
  • Members of HM Forces and their spouses
  • Crown servants employed outside the United Kingdom
  • Overseas Electors - in national elections only

Poll cards are delivered shortly before an election. The poll card tells you about the date of the election and where your polling station is. You do not need to take the poll card with you to be able to vote however it does make things quicker.

  • Polling Stations open from 7am to 10pm
  • On arrival at your polling station, the Presiding Officer will ask you to provide a valid form of photo ID, confirm your name and address and will issue you with a ballot paper
  • Once you have voted, fold the ballot paper and deposit it in the ballot box

You cannot turn up at a polling station of your choice to vote - you need to go to the polling station that is stated on your poll card. If you aren't sure where you should go to vote you can contact us using the contact form below.

If you are unable to go to the polling station on election day, you can apply to:

Vote by post: Postal Vote

Nominate another person to vote on your behalf: Proxy Vote

For an easy read guide to voting, please see the 'Mencap Easy Read Guide' link below.

Last updated 15 January 2025
Do you need to get in touch with us? Use our contact form.