For the general election on Thursday 4 July, please remember you will need to show photo ID at the polling station. See accepted forms of ID

Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations Review 2023

From 2 October 2023 the Council is conducting a review of its polling places and polling districts.

Why is the review needed?

The Representation of the People Act 1983, The Electoral Administration Act 2006 and the Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 require Blaby District Council to conduct a review of its polling places and polling districts every five years.

This review is also necessary as a result of recommended changes to Parliamentary constituency boundaries. The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) published their final recommendations in June 2023. These recommendations set out a new scheme of Parliamentary Constituencies for England. The recommendations for constituencies within Blaby District do not require changes to the existing schedule of polling districts. However, we must still conduct a review during the compulsory review period to ensure that all polling places remain fit for purpose for the next general election.

The review process

We must comply with certain requirements when conducting the review:

  • We must seek to ensure that all electors have reasonable facilities for voting
  • Whenever reasonable and practical, every polling place should be accessible to electors with disabilities
  • A polling place must be designated for each polling district, unless the location does not materially affect the convenience of the electors
  • The polling place should be an area in the district, unless there are special circumstances
  • The Returning Officer must comment on the existing and proposed arrangements and allocate electors to polling stations

This review will not consider changes to district, Parliamentary constituency or ward boundaries.

The review timetable

Event Date
Publication of Notice of Review and start of public consultation 2 October 2023
Publication of the (Acting) Returning Officer's proposals  2 October 2023
Deadline to submit responses. End of the consultation period  12pm 2 November 2023
Final proposals taken to Council for approval  28 November 2023
Publication of the revised register (implementing changes) 1 December 2023
Publication of the result of the review and representations made  5 December 2023

Terms used in the review

Polling District - a geographical subdivision of an electoral area

Polling Place - the area or building in which polling stations can be located

Polling Station - the actual room or area in which voting takes place

How do I respond to the public consultation? 

For details on how to submit your comments, please refer to the Notice of Review of Polling Districts below. 

Last updated 2 October 2023
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