There is a vacancy in the office of Councillor for the District Ward of Glen Parva

Election Job Vacancies

Each year we employ hundreds of staff at election time to work at our polling stations, to count votes and to open postal votes. 

How do I work at an election? 

We're always looking for new people to work with us. If you're interested, please sign up using the button below.

The next scheduled elections are due to take place on Thursday 1 May 2025. 

Once you have applied using the button below, your details will be held on our staffing database and you will be contacted ahead of an election.

Please be aware that if you apply for a position close to polling day, we may not be able to acknowledge your application. You will only hear from us if we are able to allocate you a position.

Requirements of employment

To work at an election, you must: 

  • Be over 18 years of age 
  • Have the right to work in the UK

For most roles you do not need any prior experience. Full training will be provided. 

You cannot work at an election if you have campaigned on behalf of a candidate or party, have a personal relationship with a candidate or elected representative or have nominated a candidate at that election.

Which roles are available? 

Presiding Officer

Presiding Officers are responsible for the overall running of the polling station and supervision of the Poll Clerks. 

Duties include: 

  • Liaising with venues to arrange access
  • Collecting ballot boxes and equipment prior to polling day 
  • Organising the layout of the polling station 
  • Supervising the marking of the electoral register
  • Supervising the issuing of ballot papers 
  • Completion of paperwork
  • Delivery of the ballot box and paperwork to the count

Poll Clerk 

Poll Clerks assist the Presiding Officer in running the polling station. 

Duties include:

  • Setting up the polling station 
  • Checking and marking the electoral register
  • Issuing ballot papers to voters
  • Ensuring that voters are able to vote in secret
  • Dismantling the polling station following the close of poll 

Count Assistant 

Count staff are responsible for opening the ballot boxes, verifying that the number of ballot papers in the ballot box matches the number of ballot papers issued and then to count the votes for each candidate.

Count staff are split into small teams, led by a count supervisor.

Prior experience is not required to count ballot papers, however, be aware that you will be working under the scrutiny of candidates and agents. A high level of accuracy is required.

Postal Vote Opener

The purpose of the postal vote opening process is to ensure that returned postal votes are opened, checked and counted in a secure manner.

Postal vote openers are employed over the two-week period leading up to polling day. Sessions will vary in length or may be cancelled at short notice as they are dependent on the volume of post received each day.

Duties include: 

  • Attending all sessions
  • Opening and checking the contents of envelopes
  • Counting the number of ballot papers received

How we allocate staff

Ahead of each election staff are contacted to confirm their availability and their preferred role(s).

We try to accommodate preferences wherever possible. 

For some particular roles, allocations will be made based on previous experience. 

Last updated 6 September 2024
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