We are experiencing higher-than-usual call volumes regarding Council Tax. You may find the answer you need on our Council Tax FAQ page

Other Discounts

If you are aged over 18 and a named person on the Council Tax account, your Council Tax is payable regardless of age - even if you are of pensionable age.

Certain people are not counted when working out the number of adults who live in your home which can reduce your Council Tax bill:

  • Full-time students, student nurses and youth trainees
  • A foreign student's spouse or dependant(s) who are prevented from working or claiming benefit may be disregarded for discount purposes or may be exempt
  • Patients resident in a hospital
  • Patients who are being looked after in care homes
  • People staying in certain hostels or night shelters
  • 18 or 19-year-olds who are at school or have just left
  • Care workers working for low pay, usually for charities
  • Members of visiting forces and certain international institutions and foreign language assistants
  • Members of religious communities (for example monks or nuns)
  • People in prison, except those in prison for non-payment of Council Tax or a fine
  • Care Leavers
  • Carers Discount. You must be providing care for a person/s for at least 35 hours a week and they are in receipt of a qualifying benefit. The person receiving care is not your spouse or partner or a child under the age of 18

If a member of your household falls into any of the above categories please contact the Council Tax Team for more information.

If you meet any of the following criteria, please download an Application Form below:

  • An Apprentice earning no more than £195 per week
  • People caring for someone with a disability who is not a spouse, partner or child under 18
  • People who are severely mentally impaired

Please send your completed form to the Council Tax Team.

If you do not meet any of the criteria for discounts, disregards or exemptions but are out of work, on a low income or claiming benefits from the Department of Work and Pension, you may be able to claim help with your Council Tax. See the Council Tax Support page for more information.

Second homes discount

The Second Home discount ended on 31 March 2019.

From 01 April 2019, the reduced Council Tax liability charges on second homes will no longer apply and a full charge will be made on that property.

Application forms

You can download the below forms to apply for certain Council Tax discounts and exemptions:

Last updated 4 November 2024
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