Local Land Charges Searches

Land Charges Property Searches are part of the conveyancing process when a property is bought, sold or remortgaged. We are responsible for maintaining the Local Land Charges Register and for providing Official Local Authority Searches from the register as well as other records held by the Council. These can include any Tree Preservation Orders, Smoke Control Orders or whether the property is a Listed Building.

Please note, we no longer provide a local land charges search service for Blaby District. As of 16 October 2023 HM Land Registry provide search results for local land charges searches in the Blaby District area. For more information please see the HM Land Registry link below. We are still providing the CON29 and optional question searches for Blaby District.

Please note this currently only applies to Blaby District Council Searches as we also provide these searches on behalf of Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Oadby and Wigston Borough Council, which we will continue to provide the whole of the land charges search service for.

Below is the list of fees and charges as of 1 April 2025:

Service VAT Category Fee from 1 April 2024
LLC1 Search - Residential and Commercial OS


CON29R Search - Residential SR


CON29R Search - Commercial SR


Full Search (LLC1 and CON29R) - Residential OS/SR


Full Search (LLC1 and CON29R) - Commercial OS/SR


CON29R Optional (Questions 4-22 each) SR £28
CON29 Building Regs (Q1.1j-l and 3.8 each) SR £10
LLC1 Additional parcel fee OS £1
CON29R Additional parcel fee SR £22
Own written questions SR £45

Please note: Only the CON29 Element of the Charge attracts the standard rate of VAT. The LLC1 remains outside scope.

Official Searches and Ordering

Searches are usually completed within 10 working days. Any enquiries regarding the return of a search should only be made after this time.

Only we can provide an Official Local Authority Search for a property and can guarantee the accuracy of any search results you order.

Personal search companies may offer a "Local Authority Search", where searches are prepared using raw local authority data they can access, or information which is already in the public domain. These results are covered by the personal search company’s insurance.

You will find information, application forms and can place your order through the Leicestershire online portal.

You can order your search by email to land.charges@blaby.gov.uk

When ordering, you must include a plan with your order showing the search area clearly outlined in red. We will ask to clarify any plans that are unclear. We are unable to accept plans or maps not licensed for use by your business. This includes maps or plans that have been copied from other maps, such as a Land Registry Title Plan or a map which has a watermark.

Any search requests received including a plan or map which we consider to be unlicensed will be returned to you and should be resubmitted with a properly sourced plan or map. If we continue to receive unlicensed plans from you, we may refer the matter to Ordnance Survey, who may levy a fine.

For more information about using Ordnance Survey information and licensing, please visit the Ordnance Survey website.

Copies of Legal Documents

Copies of Blaby District Council's Section 106 agreements are available on public access under the relevant planning application reference which can be found on the Search for Applications page.

For copies of legal agreements or other documents referred to in search results, please email freedom.information@blaby.gov.uk. Where possible we will email a copy of the document to you free of charge.

Personal Searches

Personal searches give you a copy of all the entries held on the Local Land Charges Register against an address. The response we provide is a copy of the raw data only - it is unchecked, unverified and unofficial. As a result, it is up to the customer to decide what information provided is relevant to that property or not.

Personal searches are provided free of charge under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, and we have 20 working days to respond to these requests. We process personal searches for properties in the District of Blaby and the Boroughs of Hinckley and Bosworth and Oadby and Wigston.

Please note that:

  • We do not operate an appointments system - information from the Register will be provided to you by email
  • We are unable to provide advice or interpret these results
  • Any follow-up queries of the results of a personal search are not covered by the Environmental Information Regulations and will be charged at the “own written questions” rate of £35 per question

Please send your request, along with a plan clearly showing the property to be searched outlined in red, to land.charges@blaby.gov.uk.

Details are available on how to request Con29 information on the Environmental Information page.

Payments and Refunds

We offer the following payment options for searches:

  • Pay online - submit a search request through Leicestershire Online Portal and pay using a debit or credit card. Alternatively submit a search via email and pay online through our Land Charges Payment page.
  • Payment on Account – you will receive a monthly invoice which is payable by BACS or Direct Debit each month. Please contact us to find out more

We are unable to issue refunds if you no longer require a search and wish to cancel once work has begun.

Last updated 5 March 2025
Do you need to get in touch with us? Use our contact form.