New Lubbesthorpe

What is it?

New Lubbesthorpe is a major new development incorporating over 4,000 new homes including facilities. 

Approved in 2014, the first homeowners moved in during 2017 as the first phase of development continues.

Where is it?

New Lubbesthorpe lies to the south of Leicester Forest East and is bordered by the M1 to the east. The M69 separates the housing and employment sites in the new development.

What will be there?

When the development is finished, it will include:

  • 4,250 homes
  • A District centre with buildings for retail, commercial, employment and community use
  • Two local centres will include retail, community, and leisure facilities
  • A secondary school with playing fields, sixth form facility, and community facilities
  • Two primary schools, playing fields and children’s nursery facilities
  • A health centre
  • A Business Centre with office space
  • An employment site including office space, storage and distribution businesses and general industries

Which housebuilders are on site?

The first homes in the development have been built by Davidsons, Barratt Homes and David Wilson Homes. Redrow Homes have also recently started building on their two parcels along Tay Road. 

Current occupations

As of 30 September 2024, 1128 homes are occupied.

Will there be any affordable homes on-site?

It is a requirement of the New Lubbesthorpe Development to provide affordable housing. This will be 10% of the first 600 homes, 20% of the next 2,000 and approximately 25% of the last 1,650 properties to be built.

Of the affordable housing provided, 80% of the units will be for rented housing and 20% will be for affordable home ownership.

To apply to go on the Council's housing register for an opportunity to secure social rented housing, please visit our Housing Register Application Website

To look at options for affordable home ownership please visit the Government's website  Affordable home ownership schemes

Information on our full Housing services is also available.

Will there be any open spaces?

A large amount of public open space will be available, including:

  • Over 43 acres of playing fields
  • Over 475 acres of open space featuring the 'Deserted Medieval Village of Lubbesthorpe'
  • Scheduled Monument, Lubbesthorpe Bridle Road, existing and new woodlands, allotments and embankments

What transport facilities will be available?

New Lubbesthorpe will feature many transport features, including:

  • A new bus, pedestrian and cycle only access
  • Improvements will be made to Baines Lane and the Baines Lane/A47 junction
  • Bus, pedestrian, cycle and resident access only onto Watergate Lane
  • The new bridge over the M1 gives access from Meridian Way
  • Two new access points for vehicles from Beggar’s Lane
  • Improvements to the Beggar’s Lane/A47 junction
  • Access for vehicles from Leicester Lane

How long will it take?

New Lubbesthorpe will be constructed in four phases. The first phase began in 2016 and includes:

Phase 1
  • Approximately 1,265 homes
  • M1 Bridge and link
  • Beggars Lane access and Tay Road
  • The building of the first primary school
  • The building of the first Local Centre
  • Old Warren Park
  • Western Gateway
  • Northern sections of Lubbesthorpe Park and Brook Park
  • Feature square and community hub
  • Two equipped children's play areas and MUGA (multi-use games area)
  • Strategy for re-use of farm buildings at Abbey Farm
Phase 2
  • Approximately 887 homes
  • Health Centre
  • The building of the second primary school
  • The building of the secondary school
  • Lubbesthorpe Park extension
  • Parks to the south of the Leicester Forest East Services
  • Embankment to the M1 completed and landscaped
  • Tweed Street to be extended to the second primary school
  • Street 3a to be completed
  • Street 3b to be extended to the south
  • Three equipped children's play areas
  • Work on the Business Gateway site to commence
  • Main community facility to be delivered at or alongside the secondary school


Phase 3
  • Approximately 1,073 homes
  • The M69 link
  • Street 3c provided as second access off Beggars Lane
  • Street 4
  • Four equipped children's play areas 
  • District Centres completed
  • Opening of the second phase of the second primary school
  • Opening of the second phase of the secondary school
  • The building of a second Local Centre
  • The Park near to the scheduled Ancient Monument to be planted
Phase 4
  • Approximately 1,025 homes
  • Brook Park to be completed
  • The Commons Park to be completed
  • Three equipped children's play areas 
  • M69 Link and Bridge
  • Strategy for re-use of farm buildings at Hopyard Farm

Construction and all four phases of New Lubbesthorpe are anticipated to be completed in the 2030s.

Please visit the New Lubbesthorpe website below for all the latest news and information.

Section 106 Agreement and Contributions

You can find a link to the approved Section 106 Agreement for the development on the documents list for Planning Application Reference 11/0100/1/OX.

A summary table of the Section 106 Contributions can be found in the downloads section below.

Planning Applications

All of the planning applications submitted in association with the Lubbesthorpe development can be viewed on our planning applications web page by using the dedicated reference 23/4000/LUBB



Last updated 15 October 2024
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